These are the best practices of how to rescue failing churches and recreate them as vibrant communities of faith. It includes culture watch, good practices to follow and bad practices to avoid. (note: all posts are copyright of the author, all rights reserved.)

Friday, February 01, 2008

Say no to Volunteers

In this week's choir notes, Worship Pastor David Oliver reminded us that we were more than volunteers at an activity of our choosing. Instead, we were reminded that we were the called, gifted for leading worship and placed by God in the worship choir.

The wisdom there is that we should not simply cast wide for "whosoever" to take our open jobs, but instead define the jobs in spiritual terms, and then look for those members of the congregation that God has already gifted to do those kinds of jobs.

We know that we are most successful when we operate in accordance with our own giftedness . Why would we do any different with others in our congregation, with our parishoners? We know that when they are properly placed, and when they see even the most menial job as operating according to their own giftedness and in accordance to God's will for them (and not just for our convenience), they are energized. And energized people are natural evangelists.

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