These are the best practices of how to rescue failing churches and recreate them as vibrant communities of faith. It includes culture watch, good practices to follow and bad practices to avoid. (note: all posts are copyright of the author, all rights reserved.)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Christian Nation at Christmas

A new Gallup poll confirms that the USA is a Christian nation, not by decree but by popular choice. 82% call themselves Christian, and since another 11% say they have no religion and 2% didn't answer, most of the opposition to Christian traditions comes from less than 5% of Americans.

No, not everyone is active in their faith. Only a third say they attend some kind of church each week, 44% if you include those who attend "regularly." Other surveys suggest that only half attend a traditional style church, with the rest counting their church attendance as being part of a home study or community prayer breakfast or some other alternate worship style.

The most interesting finding is that the Christian faith is strengthening in America. Although church attendance seems to be declining, those who do attend are making strides at influencing the culture. In 1969 and 70, only 14% said religion was increasing its influence on society and in how people lived their lives. This year's Gallup survey says that 56% of Americans have said religion is very important, and is an influence in their daily lives.

What does this say to you, trying to strengthen your local church? First is says you are not alone. The world is not against you. Church pastors are making a difference in what people believe. There is hope. Just as God came to dwell among us that first Christmas, to teach us how to be more in step with God's perfect plan, and to give his life for us, so we must continue to dwell among our world, and share that love of Christ with them.

Be encouraged!

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